Bozzuto C, Schmidt-Posthaus H, Adrian-Kalchhauser I, Pisano SRR (2024): Towards an eco-epidemiological framework for managing freshwater crayfish communities confronted with crayfish plague.
Bozzuto C, Ives AR (2024): Predictability of ecological and evolutionary dynamics in a changing world. 291:20240980. Article («accepted manuscript») also available on ResearchGate.
Bozzuto C, Ives AR (2023): Predictability of ecological and evolutionary dynamics in a changing world.
Bozzuto C, Ives AR (2023): Differences in COVID-19 cyclicity and predictability among U.S. counties and states reflect the effectiveness of protective measures.
Bozzuto C, Geisser H (2023): Naturmuseen können es besser: Einfache Analysen und Visualisierungen von Sammlungsdaten zur besseren Sichtbarkeit ihrer wissenschaftlichen Bedeutung. Mitteilungen der Thurgauischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft, 71:125-136.
Geisser H, Bozzuto C (2023): Ein umsichtiges Management von Wildschweinpopulationen baut auf wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen auf. Mitteilungen der Thurgauischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft, 71:103-114.
Bozzuto C, Geisser H (2022): Natural history museums can do better: simple analyses and visualizations of collection data to attract more researchers. Technical report. Wildlife Analysis GmbH, Zurich, Switzerland. doi:
Bozzuto C, Canessa S, Koella JC (2021): Exploring artificial habitat fragmentation to control invasion by infectious wildlife diseases. Theoretical Population Biology 141, doi:
Ives AR, Bozzuto C (2021): A feasible and more efficient SARS-CoV-2 vaccine allocation to states and counties in the USA. .
Ives AR, Bozzuto C (2021): Estimating and explaining the spread of COVID-19 at the county level in the USA. Communications Biology 4(60):1-9. R code and data are available on Figshare.
Ives AR, Bozzuto C (2020): State-by-State estimates of R0 at the start of COVID-19 outbreaks in the USA. . R code and data are available on medRxiv.
Bozzuto C (2020): A quantitative framework to guide restoration of butterfly communities in fragmented landscapes. Technical report. Wildlife Analysis GmbH, Zurich, Switzerland. doi:
Bozzuto C, Schmidt BR, Canessa S (2020): Active responses to outbreaks of infectious wildlife diseases: objectives, strategies and constraints determine feasibility and success. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 287:20202475.
Bozzuto C, Ives AR (2020): Inbreeding depression and the detection of changes in the intrinsic rate of increase from time series. Technical report Wildlife Analysis GmbH, Zurich, Switzerland. doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.23514.57289/1.
Bozzuto C, Geisser H (2019): A new perspective on the management of wild boar populations, based on a state-space model. Technical report. Wildlife Analysis GmbH, Zurich, Switzerland. doi:
Bozzuto C, Biebach I, Muff S, Ives AR, Keller LF (2019): Inbreeding reduces long-term growth of Alpine ibex populations. Nature Ecology & Evolution 3:1359–1364. Online version on ResearchGate. Further, a Behind the paper contribution on natureresearch: Behold, inbreeding reduces population growth.
Biebach I, Bozzuto C, Filli F, Gehr B, Grotan V, Saether BE, Keller LF (in press): Chapter “Populationsdynamik” in “Synthese zum Forschungsprogramm Steinbock 2001-2011”. Series “Umwelt-Wissen”, Federal office for the environment (FOEN), Switzerland.
Canessa S, Bozzuto C, Pasmans F, Martel A (2019): Quantifying the burden of managing wildlife diseases in multiple host species. Conservation Biology 33(5):1131-1140.
Bozzuto C, Canessa S (2019): Impact of seasonal cycles on host-pathogen dynamics and disease mitigation for Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans. Global Ecology and Conservation 17:e00551.
Canessa S, Bozzuto C, Campbell Grant EH, Cruickshank SS, Fisher MC, Koella JC, Lötters S, Martel A, Pasmans F, Scheele BC, Spitzen-van der Sluijs A, Steinfartz S, Schmidt BR (2018): Decision making for mitigating emerging wildlife diseases: from theory to practice for an emerging fungal pathogen of amphibians. Journal of Applied Ecology 55:1987-1996.
N’Guyen A, Hirsch PE, Bozzuto C, Adrian-Kalchhauser I, Hôrková K, Burkhardt-Holm P (2018): A dynamical model for invasive round goby populations reveals efficient and effective management options. Journal of Applied Ecology 55:342-352.
Schmidt BR, Bozzuto C, Lötters S, Steinfartz S (2017): Dynamics of host populations affected by the emerging fungal pathogen Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans. Royal Society Open Science 4:160801.
Bozzuto C, Blanckenhorn WU (2017): Taxonomic resolution and treatment effects – alone and combined – can mask significant biodiversity reductions. International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services & Management 13(1): 86-99.
Bozzuto C, Hoeck PEA, Bagheri HC, Keller LF (2017): Modelling different reintroduction strategies for the critically endangered Floreana mockingbird. Animal Conservation 20(2): 144-154.
Technical reports
Project-related technical reports are usually written exclusively for our clients and are not listed here. Exceptions can be found in the section «Publications».
Conferences & workshops
Schmidt BR et al. (2022): PPP exposure of terrestrial stages of amphibians and possible management measures: a progress report. Meeting Cost action Periamar (Hirschberg).
Canessa S et al. (2020): ARG UK Seminar Series: Amphibian diseases – Understanding and managing the spread of a highly aggressive amphibian disease. Online seminar of the Amphibian and Reptilie Groups UK (ARG UK).
Canessa S, Bozzuto C, Pasmans F, Martel A (2019): Developing a response plan to invasion by Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans. Workshop at the 20th European congress of herpetology, University of Milan, Italy.
Canessa S, Bozzuto C, Martel A, Pasmans F (2018): Assessing mitigation options for an emerging fungal pathogen threatening European and Palearctic salamander diversity. Presentation at the 5th European congress of conservation biology, University of Jyväskylä, Finland.
Weinberger IC, Bozzuto C, Müri H, Salzmann HC, Boschi C (2017): Think national, act local: small mustelid conservation in Switzerland. Presentation at the 32nd European mustelid colloquium, University Claude Bernard Lyon, France.
Canessa S, Bozzuto C, Campbell Grant EH, Cruickshank SS, Fisher MC, Koella JC, Lötters S, Martel A, Pasmans F, Scheele BC, Spitzen-van der Sluijs A, Steinfartz S, Schmidt BR (2017): Finding evidence-based amphibian conservation strategies in an emergency. Presentation at the 19th European congress of herpetology, University of Salzburg, Austria.
Bozzuto C (2017): An integral projection model for the assessment of Bsal-related mitigation actions in fire salamander populations. Development and presentation of a mathematical model during an international Bsal workshop, University of Zurich, Switzerland.
Bozzuto C (2016): Hilfe? Mathematik kann auch bei Bsal weiterhelfen. Presentation at the International conference on fire salamanders 2016, University of Basel, Switzerland.
N’Guyen A, Hirsch PE, Adrian-Kalchhauser I, Bozzuto C, Burkhardt-Holm P (2016): Population control of non-native round gobies – modelling different removal strategies. Poster presented at Neobiota 2016, Vianden, Luxemburg.
Websites & applications
Oberholzer B, Bozzuto C, Homberger P, Gächter R, Besmer B (2016): Centralized database and web application for zoological collections using the software Specify. Zoological Museum, University of Zurich, Switzerland.
Bozzuto C (2014): naturVermittler – schau hin! Online blog about nature-related topics, maintained by (Anonymous).
Bozzuto C (2013): Website Wildlife Analysis GmbH. Zurich, Switzerland.
Bozzuto C, Pachlatko R, Furrer J, Geisser H (2013): Zum Fressen gern – eine modellhafte Annäherung an die Wirklichkeit. Interactive application (based on a mathematical model) on the topic “roe deer-lynx-hunting” for the traveling exhibition “Das Reh – durch Anpassung zum Erfolg”, Natural Museums of Frauenfeld and Olten, Switzerland.